Operating Schemes
(Process schemes for the Organization)
- Input Schemes: Patterns following which supplies and resources are processes through activities
- Market Schemes: Patterns following which products are generated through activities
- Capture Schemes: Patterns following which revenues and supplies are captured through activities
- Industry Schemes: Patterns following which resources are integrated and maintained through activities
(click on the following elements for more details)
> Input Schemes
Input Schemes may be:
- unique in the business or widely used,
- easilly changeable or not,
- fundamental to the activity or not,
- ...
Input Schemes may be:
- unitary consumtion of supplies,
- consumtion of supplies per lot,
- continuous unitary consumtion of supplies,
- consumtion of supplies per period,
- use of resources per unit of output,
- use of resources per period,
- ...
Input Schemes may be:
- fixed or flexible, in terms of ignition, stream and end,
- dependent on other schemes or not,
- depending on internal factors or not,
- depending on external factors or not,
- equiring a delay or instantaneous,
- associated to other schemes or not,
- limited or unlimited,
- predictable or not,
- ...
> Market Schemes
Possibilities for Market Schemes are very similar to possibilities for Capture Schemes and Industry Schemes.
Market Schemes may be:
- unique in the business or widely used,
- easilly changeable or not,
- fundamental to the activity or not,
- ...
Market Schemes may be:
- unitary production or delivery of goods,
- production or delivery of goods per lot,
- unitary delivery of services,
- delivery of services per lot
- continuous delivery of goods or services,
- production or delivery of goods per period,
- delivery of services per period,
- ...
Market Schemes may be:
- fixed or flexible, in terms of ignition, stream and end,
- dependent on other schemes or not,
- depending on internal factors or not,
- depending on external factors or not,
- equiring a delay or instantaneous,
- associated to other schemes or not,
- limited or unlimited,
- predictable or not,
- ...
> Capture Schemes
Possibilities for Capture Schemes are very similar to possibilities for Market Schemes and Industry Schemes.
Capture Schemes may be:
- unique in the business or widely used,
- easilly changeable or not,
- fundamental to the activity or not,
- ...
Capture Schemes may be:
- unitary contracting,
- contracting per lot,
- unitary capture or revenues,
- capture of revenues per lot,
- continuous capture of revenues,
- capture of revenues per period,
- unitary capture or supplies,
- capture of supplies per lot,
- continuous capture of supplies,
- capture of supplies per period,
- ...
Capture Schemes may be:
- fixed or flexible, in terms of ignition, stream and end,
- dependent on other schemes or not,
- depending on internal factors or not,
- depending on external factors or not,
- equiring a delay or instantaneous,
- associated to other schemes or not,
- limited or unlimited,
- predictable or not,
- ...
> Industry Schemes
Possibilities for Industry Schemes are very similar to possibilities for Market Schemes and Capture Schemes.
Industry Schemes may be:
- unique in the business or widely used,
- easilly changeable or not,
- fundamental to the activity or not,
- ...
Industry Schemes may be:
- unitary building of resources,
- unitary maintenance of resources,
- maintenance of resources per lot,
- maintenance of resources per period,
- building of resources per lot,
- building of resources per period,
- ...
Industry Schemes may be:
- fixed or flexible, in terms of ignition, stream and end,
- dependent on other schemes or not,
- depending on internal factors or not,
- depending on external factors or not,
- equiring a delay or instantaneous,
- associated to other schemes or not,
- limited or unlimited,
- predictable or not,
- ...